Kitchen Remodelling Tips: Tapware Trends to Consider for Your New Kitchen

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Kitchen Remodelling Tips: Tapware Trends to Consider for Your New Kitchen

24 September 2018
 Categories: , Blog

When remodelling your kitchen, you need to pay attention to every little detail that will affect the overall appearance of the space. Tapware is one of the kitchen accessories that can add form and function to your kitchen. Therefore, you shouldn't pick any tap that will provide water when the need arises. No! Consider the style and design aspect of tapware as it can make or break your kitchen. In this light, this piece will give you some of the top tapware trends that you can consider for your new kitchen.

Single lever tap design

Kitchen taps are available in two basic configurations: the two handle taps and single lever taps. Two handle taps feature two handles on either side of the faucet for hot and cold water supplies. These taps have been around for the longest time, but they can also be tiring to use as you have to switch between the levers if you need hot or cold water.

A more functional design is the single lever tap which features one lever that controls the hot and cold water output. You can operate it with one hand and use the other for other tasks such as spraying your dishes. The single lever tap can significantly reduce the time that you spend doing dishes.

Advanced tap features

Traditionally, taps were just meant to provide a steady flow of water for your kitchen. However, today, manufacturers have come up with advanced features that have multiplied the functions of kitchen taps. You can get taps that feature pullout nozzles which promote better cleaning. They have a sleek design that transforms the appearance of the kitchen. There are swivel taps which are efficient if you have a double sink.

Also trending are mixer taps which combine the hot and cold water control functions and allows you to switch between hot and cold water quickly. As you buy a faucet, think about these features which can improve the efficiency and functionality of your kitchen tapware.

Modern finishes

Polishes stainless steel and silver are not the only finishes that you can choose for your kitchen tapware. Other modern finishes will transform the space and present your sink as a focal point in the room. These include copper, bronze, two-tone finishes, and matte finishes. If you still want to go for silver or stainless steel, you can choose a two-tone finish and pair it up with black. If you are adventurous, you can go for a matte look which is both elegant and stylish.

Choosing kitchen tapware doesn't have to be a boring adventure. Have these trends in mind so that you can give your new kitchen a modern look.

About Me
Imaginative, Innovative, Inspriing Remodeling Ideas

My name is Sandra, and this is my first blog, but it is on a topic that I have always loved -- remodelling. In this space, I plan to include a range of blog posts, explaining different aspects of remodelling. I also plan to include a lot of posts to help inject inspiration into your remodelling project. The information in this blog comes from my personal experiences helping countless friends with remodelling projects, but I also plan to include links to information and research as well. I am a mum of three teenage girls. I love DIY work, decorating, reading and jogging. Thanks for reading!